East of England Tiptree World Bread Awards Hero with Brook Food 2021
For the second year, Steven Winter of Bread Source, Norwich, has been crowned the East of England’s Bread Hero by the Tiptree World Bread Awards with Brook Food.
During lockdown, Steven launched ‘The Bread Source National Loaf Scheme’, which helps those most in need access fresh bread by providing high quality, wholemeal artisan loaves for just £1.
In addition, he has reduced the bakery’s wastage to nearly zero. He has formed links with local farmers to provide free food for their livestock and invested in new, more environmentally-friendly technology, reducing the amount of energy the bakery uses.
Steven has done all this whilst maintaining employment of his 60 staff and training up 4 young people who were previously receiving Universal Credit to become bakers.
‘Steven is a Bread Hero to me, to his team of 60 staff members, to the local community and to the environment.’ said Sydney, one of Steven’s nominators, ‘He has made the last two years better for a lot of people and we are so very grateful for him.’