The UK's leading awards celebrating the bread community
Why Enter?
Why Enter?
While the Tiptree World Bread Awards with Brook Food are all about celebrating the art of bread-baking the benefits of receiving an Award are about the bigger picture for your business. Of course, you could receive a fabulous trophy, but earning one of our Awards gives you much more.

Industry Recognition
With every loaf judged on its own merits against set criteria, it's not only our Category Winners who benefit from entering. You could gain invaluable industry acclaim for your bakery by scooping one or more of our prestigious Gold, Silver or Bronze awards. These accolades are stamps of quality, awarded by senior representatives from the baking industry, and speak for themselves when you are promoting your product to current and prospective customers.

As part of the entry fee, every entrant will receive a complimentary ticket to our glittering VIP Awards Evening Reception in St John's Hyde Park, London. This event offers you the unique opportunity to network with both your industry peers and members of the UK's food aristocracy.

Corporate Pride and Motivation
The mere act of entering your loaves is a great demonstration of how highly you value your team's hard work. Being part of an Award-winning organisation can provide your colleagues with an often under-estimated sense of corporate pride, motivation and appreciation. The process of entering also prompts opportunities for both reflection and creativity, both of which can be used as inspiring team exercises.

PRESS Opportunities
Regional press also love to feature stories of local businesses doing well in national awards and over the years we’ve seen lots of coverage online in local media which is later reflected in print. Winning awards presents the ideal opportunity for you to shout about your business, the awards, the products and, of course, the people who made them. This attracts new customers and endorses what loyal customers already know. Plus, customers are proud to buy award-winning loaves and can become great ambassadors for your business.

Marketing TOOLS
All of our amazing award winners are featured on our website and dedicated certificates and logos are issued for your own promotional use. These assets provide the perfect marketing tools to help your business stand out from the crowd and promotional activity can be everything from posts on social media pages, presence on your website, additions to your email signature, in-store displays and inclusion on your packaging.

And, of course, there are our fabulous prizes... Cash prizes, KitchenAid appliances, Tiptree hampers, a day's mentoring for our Trainee Baker and an exclusive visit to the world-famous Tiptree fruit farm are all up for grabs!
so ...
What are you waiting for?
Entering is easy, submit your loaves online today and it could be you reaping the benefits.